Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I changed my settings so that only members of my blog will be allowed to make comments.    After reading a comment that a "Josh" left.   I do not appreciate people who seek out my blog to make personal attacks with misguided information and who choose to read between the lines and make their own accusations.  I do not know who this Josh is and it is frankly a little disturbing after his comment to know he is reading about my family.  I would encourage everyone to make their profiles private, as I had to learn the hard way.   If you are to make comments on people's blogs it is best if they know who you are.  I thought that my blog would be a neat way to keep family and friends updated on our family life, and yes I chose to write about a "touchy" subject because it was on my heart at the time.  I did not do so to offend anyone or offer up the opportunity for someone to use as a form to attack what I believe in so strongly, which is choice in education.   In fact my blog did not even talk about choice in education, so I am wondering who this individual is, how they knew that was something that I feel strongly about and how they found my blog.

I have been on the charter school debate for many years and one thing that I continue to be baffled by is how people can be so closed minded and are so intent on attacking the intention of those who want to provide options for students.  I have never said that traditional public schools, private schools, alternative schools, technical schools, or online schools are a bad choice.  In fact I believe quiet the contrary.  We need these choices because we are all individuals and we learn differently from one another.   As parents we need to have the choice to send our child to a school where they can learn to the best of their ability.   That may be the school who's district you reside in, or it may not be.  My husband and I will continually asses our child's needs and always place them where they will be able to thrive.

I apologize if I offended anyone on my blog, but then again, this is my space, where I can write about what I believe.  I truly think that is how we become wiser is by listening to other people's experiences and take on situations. If anyone knows who this "Josh" may be will you please let me know because I would like to find out how he knew so much information about me and how he found this blog.

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